THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS (October 1962) Pedro Roig2021-10-01T20:05:41+00:00 The Cuban Missile Crisis was the most dramatic event of the Cold War. Fifty-seven years ago, the U.S. and the Soviet Union stood on the threshold of a nuclear... Read more...
La Rastra De La Muerte Pedro Roig2021-10-01T20:02:28+00:00 Entre los más brutales crímenes del régimen castrista está el cruel asesinato de prisioneros de la Brigada 2506, que murieron asfixiados en la rastra de la muerte Sin el apoyo... Read more...
La Intolerancia Ideológica Pedro Roig2021-10-01T19:59:38+00:00 Continuidad TotalitariaLa Constitución de 2019 es una prueba evidente de la intolerancia ideológica de los líderes de Cuba, aplicada a la continuidad totalitaria del sistema marxista-leninista, en la nueva... Read more...
The Unburied Corpse Pedro Roig2021-10-01T19:48:25+00:00 For over ten years the Marxist “Gerontocracia” led by General Raúl Castro (86) and Machado Ventura (87) has been carefully engaged in selecting the new generation of leaders to... Read more...
Fidel Castro’s Crimes Against American Pilots (POW’s) In Vietnam Pedro Roig2022-02-09T19:19:25+00:00 Cuban officials, under diplomatic cover in Hanoi during the Vietnam War, brutally tortured and killed American POW’s whom they beat brutally in a submission program ordered by Fidel Castro... Read more...
The MININT Commitment To Communism Pedro Roig2021-10-01T19:42:23+00:00 On December 1, 1961, barely seven months after the defeat of the Bay of Pigs invasion, Castro announced to the world that he was leading a Communist revolution: “I... Read more...
A Military Regime Ruled By Raul Castro! Pedro Roig2021-10-01T19:36:46+00:00 Is Raul Castro leaving power? This is the topic of a deceiving question in a major Miami newspaper, based on the false premise that by February 24, 2018, a... Read more...
Cuban Missile Crisis: Who Won? Pedro Roig2021-10-01T19:41:21+00:00 At the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, the United States had decisive nuclear superiority over the Soviet Union. This country had more than 400 Intercontinental... Read more...
The Role Of The Judiciary After Communism In Cuba Pedro Roig2021-10-01T19:29:10+00:00 The inexorable breakdown of the communist dynastic succession in Cuba is expected as a payback of the criminal ideological catastrophe. There is no way out for this failed system.... Read more...
Cuba And Israel Pedro Roig2021-10-01T19:24:25+00:00 Iran’s Head of State, Hassan Rouhani, with General Raul Castro. The Israel’s Minister of Culture recent visit to Cuba has generated speculation regarding Cuba-Israeli relations. The catastrophic destruction of Hurricane Irma... Read more...