Bahía de Cochinos: Heroísmo y traición Pedro Roig2024-04-17T03:27:21+00:00 Miami, FL – Más allá del inmenso poder de su mitología, el desastre militar de Bahía de Cochinos es, en efecto, un vasto tema de controversia histórica alentada por... Read more...
THE USS MAINE Pedro Roig2022-02-17T12:10:37+00:00 On January 24, at 11:00 in the morning, the cruisers USS Maine steam into Havana entering the narrow channel under the venerable watch of the Morro Castle and anchored... Read more...
NO LIMITS TO CRUELTY! Pedro Roig2023-08-21T12:44:15+00:00 Cuban Officer, Fernando Vecino Alegret Tortured American POWs in Vietnam! During the Vietnam war Fidel Castro visit Hanoi in 1973, to show his public support to the communist regime fighting... Read more...
THE CHRISTMAS TRUCE Pedro Roig2021-10-01T20:33:20+00:00 During the First World War, on December 24 and 25, 1914, an unusual and spontaneous event occurred between German and British soldiers who celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas between the... Read more...
President Johnson: “Fidel Castro Got Kennedy First” Pedro Roig2021-10-01T20:29:02+00:00 Could President Kennedy’s assassination had been prevented if the CIA and the FBI had alerted the Secret Service and Dallas FBI office about Lee Harvey Oswald disturbing behavior at... Read more...
LOS MÁRTIRES DE LA AGRUPACIÓN CATÓLICA UNIVERSITARIA (ACU) Pedro Roig2022-07-30T16:59:13+00:00 El 31 de julio es el día de San Ignacio de Loyola, fundador de la Compañía de Jesús, que marca la muerte de quien fue Apóstol de los Evangelios,... Read more...
Castro’s Complicity In Kennedy’s Assassination Pedro Roig2021-10-01T20:08:53+00:00 By Pedro Roig As a historian and attorney this outline on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, searches into the essential issue of what the CIA and the FBI knew... Read more...
THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS (October 1962) Pedro Roig2021-10-01T20:05:41+00:00 The Cuban Missile Crisis was the most dramatic event of the Cold War. Fifty-seven years ago, the U.S. and the Soviet Union stood on the threshold of a nuclear... Read more...
La Rastra De La Muerte Pedro Roig2021-10-01T20:02:28+00:00 Entre los más brutales crímenes del régimen castrista está el cruel asesinato de prisioneros de la Brigada 2506, que murieron asfixiados en la rastra de la muerte Sin el apoyo... Read more...
La Intolerancia Ideológica Pedro Roig2021-10-01T19:59:38+00:00 Continuidad TotalitariaLa Constitución de 2019 es una prueba evidente de la intolerancia ideológica de los líderes de Cuba, aplicada a la continuidad totalitaria del sistema marxista-leninista, en la nueva... Read more...